Monday 8 July 2013

BBA update: Nigerian rep Beverly Osu makes out with Angelo

Beverly and Angelo locked in a kiss

Nigerian rep Beverly Osu and fellow BBA housemate, South African dance teacher Angelo Collins, made out passionately Saturday night after the two danced intimately at the week’s party.
Angelo has already said he’ll never be faithful to one woman.  The two disappeared into their room and Angelo even got on top of Beverly before the video vixen stopped it from going further…
Keen followers of the show say Beverly was taken advantage of as it had been a wild party and she may have been drunk. The whips didn’t come down too hard on her as she had stopped the passion before it went too far.

Housemates Betty Abera from Ethiopia and Bolt from Sierra Leone both now evicted from BBA were not so lucky as they suffered harsh criticisms from BBA’s audience after their public sex rump in the house. But then Betty’s problems are far from over.
According to online sources, Betty could be facing six years in jail if a lawsuit being filed against her for having public sex in the house is successful.
During her short stint in BBA The Chase, Betty from Ethiopia and Bolt from Sierra Leone were the first couple to engage in sex in this season’s big brother show. There was massive backlash from the audience and more so the conservative Ethiopians who now saw her as a disgrace to the country.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Why Jesse Jagz and Brymo left Chocolate City – Audu Maikori, record label boss opens up


Chocolate City record label boss, Audu Maikori has reportedly given the real reason signees, Jesse Jagz and Brymo, whose contract is yet to expire, left the label.
It was a shock when a few months ago, Jesse Jagz dramatically dropped out of the label that was like a family to him, soon afterwards, Brymo dropped out too.
According to 360nobs, Maikori explained that Jagz’ lyrical contents and music videos, made executives believe he was ‘promoting drugs and nicotine in his music videos’ which was completely contrary to company policies.
Audu goes on to explain about Jagz wanting absolute control over his business and feels the dude was trying to rise above his ‘height’.
On Brymo’s issue, Mr. Maikori says that the young artiste felt he wasn’t getting enough attention from his label because Ice Prince Zamani was getting it all.
The chairman claims the singer was just being too envious of the BET winner and wasn’t putting enough on the table to get the best he’d wished for. After all, “It’s more blessed to give than to receive”.

Referee beheaded after killing player

18 hours ago

18 hours ago

An amateur football match in Brazil led to two deaths as a referee was beheaded by spectators after he had stabbed a player.
The shocking incidents occurred in Maranhao, Brazil, last Sunday. According to reports, referee Otavio Jordao da Silva(right) fatally stabbed footballer Josenir dos Santos Abreu(left).
Dos Santos Abreu is believed to have struck the referee after questioning a decision. In retaliation, Jordao da Silva stabbed the player.
Having witnessed the incident, an outraged group of spectators turned on the referee. He was tied up, beaten, stoned and quartered. They then put his head on a stake and planted it in the middle of the pitch.
One man, Luiz Moraes de Souza, 27, has been arrested over the incident. Police are searching for two more suspects.
Valter Costa is handling the case and, in a statement, he said: "One crime never justifies another crime. Actions likes this do not collaborate with the legality of state law."

Boko Haram attacks curtailed in Yobe, says JTF Commander

Damaturu –  The Commander of the Joint Military Task Force (JTF) in Yobe, Col. Ibrahim Ali, on Sunday said that activities of Boko Haram insurgents had been curtailed, following the declaration of state of emergency in the state.
Ali in Damaturu said that attacks by the insurgents, especially in the volatile areas of Damaturu and Potiskum had reduced, after security forces pushed the insurgents out of their enclaves.
“We have not had any major encounter except on June 16 when they attacked a school in Damaturu. We have pushed them out of town.’’
The commander said that the JTF had  discovered, particularly in Potiskum, that armed robbers had seized the opportunity to rob people under the guise of insurgency.
Ali said the situation in Yobe had remained “relatively stable’’, noting that the JTF was doing everything possible to contain the  situation permanently.
He said that the task force had been having a good working relationship with members of the public, whom he said, had continued to provide vital information on the insurgents.
Ali urged the populace to continue to cooperate with security agents, saying that the JTF was aware of the inconveniences and challenges the public was facing because of the declaration of state of emergency in the state.
On allegations of long detention of suspects, the commander said that the JTF was being meticulous to ensure that only those found to have participated in criminal activities were held.
He said that suspects were made to go through careful and meticulous documentation and interrogation by a special team, made up of personnel from the police, SSS, army and the NDLEA.
Ali said that all suspects were being treated well, adding: “they eat the same food being served to my soldiers.’’ (NAN)

Robbers attack Edebiri, ANPP leader’s residence in Edo, injure three

ARMED bandits, yesterday,  attacked the Benin-City residence of the Deputy National Chairman (South) of the All Nigeria Peoples Party (ANPP)  and governorship candidate of the party in the 2012 governorship election in Edo State, Mr Solomon Edebiri.
The bandits, numbering five, allegedly used machete to attack three persons, including the night guard, and left them in a  pool of blood. It was learnt that the suspected armed robbers stormed the compound at about 2:15am during a downpour.
They came by scaling the fence and tied the night guard  to a tree  inside the compound after the machate attack. Then they went straight to the uncompleted building inside the compound where staff and relations of the ANPP leader were sleeping.
While yelling and threatening their victims to bring out the money at home, they used machete  and bottles to inflict serious injuries on two persons in the room and started ransacking the entire building until they took to their heels when a mobile police man within the premise shot at them.
There are indications that some of the robbers may have escaped with bullet wounds. When Sunday Vanguard visited the compound, there was a  pool of blood  in one of  the rooms while the victims were rushed to a nearby hospital. The security guard  and one of the staff were  in critical condition.
Edebiri, who was not at home when the incident occurred, said, “I cannot place their reasons for coming because I don’t keep cash at home. The state of criminality has increased seriously in Benin and it is scary. I want to appeal to the police to do something seriously and urgently too.
If we are not lucky those three people would have been killed. And we are still praying because they had deep cuts and are still critical in hospital. I will allow the police to do their investigation so as to ascertain their true motive”.

Boeing 777 crash lands in US

An Asiana Airlines Boeing 777 with 307 people on board crashed and burst into flames as it landed at San Francisco International Airport on Saturday after a flight from Seoul, and initial reports said two people were killed and more than 130 sent to hospitals. After approaching the airport across San Francisco Bay, the plane appeared to strike the edge of the approach area of the runway.
The tail came off and the aircraft left a trail of debris before coming to rest beside the runway. One survivor said the pilot seemed to be trying to gain height just before the aircraft struck the runway. There was no immediate indication of the cause of the crash and federal officials were traveling from Washington to investigate. Pictures taken by survivors immediately after the crash showed passengers emerging from the wrecked plane and hurrying away.
TV footage later showed the fuselage of the Boeing 777 blackened by fire and the interior apparently gutted. Asiana Airlines said the flight, which had originated in Shanghai, had carried 291 passengers and 16 crew members. San Francisco Fire Department Chief Joanna Hayes-White said two people were killed and 130 were taken to hospitals.
A total of 69 people were still unaccounted for, as officials tracked down the passengers in the confusion after the crash. Rachael Kagan, a spokeswoman for San Francisco General Hospital, said 15 injured people were being treated there and 10 were in critical condition with burns, fractures and internal injuries. She said most of them spoke only Korean.
Flights in and out of SFO have been cancelled. It is unknown when the airport will reopen.

Gunmen kill 42 in Yobe school attack

File Photo

KANO, July 6, 2013 (AFP) – Gunmen believed to be Islamists from Nigeria’s Boko Haram insurgent group killed 42 people, mostly students, in an overnight attack on a secondary school in restive Yobe state, a medical worker and residents said Saturday.
“We received 42 dead bodies of students and other staff of Government Secondary School (in) Mamudo last night. Some of them had gunshot wounds while many of them had burns and ruptured tissues,” Haliru Aliyu of the Potiskum General Hospital told AFP.
Mamudo is some five kilometres from Potiskum, the commercial hub of Yobe State which has been a flashpoint in the Boko Haram insurgency in recent months.
“From accounts of teachers and other students who escaped the attack, the gunmen gathered their victims in a hostel and threw explosives and opened fire, leading to the death of 42,” Aliyu said.
He said security personnel were combing the bushes around the school in search of students who were believed to have escaped with gunshot wounds.
“So far six students have been found and are now in the hospital being treated for gunshot wounds,” he added.
A local resident who did not want to be named confirmed the attack.
“It was a gory sight. People who went to the hospital and saw the bodies shed tears. There were 42 bodies, most of them were students. Some of them had parts of their bodies blown off and badly burnt while others had gunshot wounds,” he said.
He said the attack was believed to be a reprisal by the Boko Haram Islamists for the killing of 22 sect members during a military raid in the town of Dogon Kuka on Thursday.
Nigeria declared a state of emergency in three flashpoint states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe in mid-May as it launched a major offensive to end the insurgency.
Violence linked to the Boko Haram insurgency has left some 3,600 people dead since 2009, including killings by the security forces.
Boko Haram which means “western education is evil” has killed hundreds of students in attacks on schools in the tense region in recent months.