It’s a new beginning and enthralling dawn in the viewing experience
of millions of Africans. On Monday July 1, 2013, EbonyLife TV, Africa’s
first global black entertainment network, made its debut on DStv
platform channel 165, beaming to over 44 countries in the continent.
According to the brain behind the project, Ms Mosunmola ‘Mo’ Abudu,
EbonyLife TV, which was formally launched last Sunday at Eko Hotel &
Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos, has been programmed to “be the
preferred global network for premium African entertainment”.
In this interview, Abudu opened up on why she established EbonyLife
TV, and why the channel will change the old age perception of Africa as a
dark continent of malicious violence, corruption and greed.
What is your vision for Ebonylife TV?
My vision for Ebonylife TV is to create content that speaks to the
continent`s most important demographic, the custodians of the present
and of the future, aged 18 to 34. No one is speaking to this key
demographic of the continent. They crave a platform for self-expression,
they want a voice, they want to be heard and we at Ebonylife TV think
it is time for them to be heard.
This is our focus. We equally believe that this important demographic
sees a different Africa, an Africa that tells its own story through the
showcasing of the continent`s best; also very vital is the need to give
African brands, big and small, the opportunity to be seen on a global
scale, showing the world that African brands are more than capable to
compete with the world`s best. For too long, the world just doesn’t
appreciate, understand or see who we truly are because our stories just
aren’t being told by us, but now it is time.
Starting out all those years ago, was the Ebonylife TV project always in the picture?
Very much so. From day one when I approached MNET, I was already
requesting for a channel opportunity. I equally explored getting a
channel on Sky in the UK. This was in 2006! I still have all the e-mail
to prove it, but as with all things, God`s appointed time is the best
time. Perhaps if I had attempted the journey of Ebonylife TV before now,
it would have been a disaster, because now all the pieces fit together
so well! We have produced the most amazing content that some said
wouldn’t be possible.
We have the most amazing team, passionate Nigerians with a few expats
making history in media and production. And this whole success story
just wouldn’t have been possible without the support of the Cross River
State Government and Studio Tinapa, the only purpose-built studio
facility in sub Saharan Africa. And of course our financiers, First Bank
Plc, who understand our passion, drive and business model! And to DSTV!
What can I say? Thank you, for giving us a pan-African platform to
fulfill this dream. It took us four whooping years to get the final sign
off, but looking back I have to say the wait was worth it.
There goes a saying, “there is nothing more powerful than an
idea whose time has come, and do you believe this is true of Ebonylife
Yes! This is the time for Ebonylife TV and I stay it again, if I had
attempted to launch Ebonylife TV at any other time than now, it would
have been a disaster. It had to be now; it had to be with this team. We
had to take this journey to Cross River State. I pinch myself each time I
realize that we have created what we have created. It`s awesome; it can
only be the hand of God. I know that He has brought us this far and
will not let us down. He will see us through.
How will Ebonylife TV tell the African story differently?
AS a young African girl born and bred in the UK, I have done nothing
but defend myself pretty much life. Fighting to be heard, to be seen and
to be given opportunities; thank God that with persistence, hard work
and focus, I was heard and I was given a chance. But one thing I found I
couldn’t do was fully explained to everyone whom I was, what my
continent was about; that despite the challenges, we had great stories
to tell. So, buried in my sub-consciousness for many years was the need
to tell our story as I saw it, as millions of other Africans saw it.
I found a huge disconnects between how I was portrayed in western
media and who I really was and I was obsessed with filing in the gaps. I
felt that it was important to give the African youth, and brands that
wanted to reach our youth, a platform. What do you consider your
greatest achievement yet? My children are it.
Any day, any time. In my own small way, I have done a number of
things I am proud of, to include settling up Vic Lawrence, still a
leading force in the H.R consulting space today. The conceptualization
of Protea Hotel Oakwood Park, now running into its 10th year; Inspire
Africa; Moments with Mo, now in its 7th year; Naija Diamonds. I thank
God for giving them to me as a special gift.
What is your greatest extravagance?
That`s a difficult one. I think that it would have to be the time I
take out and spend at health farms on my detox programmes. I do them at
least twice a year. It`s the only time I totally down tools and just
take out to be by myself. Do you sometimes wish you were in another
profession? Right now, right here, I wouldn’t want to be doing anything
Of course it`s tough, it’s tough in the any industry, but what makes
it all worthwhile is the joy and satisfaction you get and the joy it
brings others. It is tough making media and entertainment work in
Africa. I t is even tougher making it profitable.
No doubt we are pioneering our own particular business model in this
area of running a channel without relying on airtime sales, but based on
production quality enjoyable and relevant programming.
We believe that there is a place for our content to sit on the continent and globally, and that’s where our success.
Who are your Heroes in real life, the ones you look up to?
My heroes are Nelson Mandela, Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey and yes,
Madonna. What do they all have in common, that’s where I want to be. Do
the impossible.
What is the trait you deplore in yourself?
I can be overly aggressive and I micro manage way too much. Who is
perfect? My life coach also a director at Ebonylife TV, Lanre Olusola,
Keeps me on the straight and narrow in this regard. Thanks coach.
What is the trait you deplore in others?
Laziness and procrastination are sins in my books!
What is your biggest fear?
My biggest fear is failure. It is that simple. I don’t want to fail.
The fear of failure drives me to thrive for performance in myself and in
others. What is your biggest regret? Not having more children!
What are the tools today`s women need to rise to such lofty entrepreneurial heights as you have?
Definitely focus, determination, guts and hard work. Also, never let
anyone tell you can`t do it, because you can! If I count the number of
times I have been knocked on the head; the number of times I have packed
up my bags and just said to myself, Mo, it just isn’t going to happen.
But I find I am often spurred on by those that say ‘No’ Are they
better than you? Do they know more than you? It`s your idea; you have
done the research, the projections, and the business concept. You must
always remember that it`s your vision, not theirs, so they won`t always
see it. You have to sometimes show them and if they don’t see it, move
on. Eventually someone always does! If nothing else, the law of averages
and statistics say somebody will eventually say yes, keep going.
Tell us the secret of the foundation of youth. You seem to have discovered it, not looking a day over 30?
Well that depends on if I am having a bad or good hair day! Jokes
apart, I don’t know what it is. I’ll turn 50 next year and I wonder
where the grey hair is? Where are the wrinkles? And I still seem to have
perfect sight; no glasses yet. But I think it runs in the family. If
you meet my mum, she is in her 70`s and she doesn’t look it. So I think
that is a family trait. But I am obsessed with beauty treatments,
facials, diet and exercise, I think that helps. Of course I indulge in
cakes and ice cream, but never for long before I correct my ways! Good
or Bad, I am on always on a diet! Women in media, what needs to be done
so that there would be not only increased participation, but occupation
of the highest positions? We have to come together and work together,
become role models and give other women opportunities to excel.
It`s the only way we will make a difference together. A major problem
is that women don’t like other women. We don’t offer each other enough
support and that hinders our growth. I am proud to say that at EbonyLife
TV we are making a different!!! We have powerful teams of women in our
Actually all our Directors of Programming are women!!! Of course we
also have men in key roles, Finance, H.R, Technical, PR and Commercial.
We pride ourselves on being an equal opportunities employer of labor.
For me it`s simple, can you do the job? Then we will get on like a house
on fire. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my mum for
her prayers. I don’t know what I would do without her, she holds me up
24/7. She is always there for me.
Thank you, mum. Secondly, my kids: Temidayo and Adekoyejo. They are
such amazing children. I am no soccer mum, so I can`t always be there,
but they make me proud and have done so well and they are so patient
with me. And this incredible journey that I am on in the media would
never have seen the light of day without certain people believing in me.
I have to thank Mr. Sola Akinfemiwa , the then MD of Skye Bank who
invested in Inspire Africa; Joe Hundah, then MD of MNET who gave Moments
with Mo a window on MNET in 2006, MTN, for being my most consistent
sponsor of Moments with Mo over the years; Mr. Tayo Adenironkun, may his
soul rest in perfect peace, for giving young people across Nigeria and
Africa a voice with The Debaters reality show; Diamond Bank, for
celebrating the unsung heroes across Nigeria with Naija Diamonds; the US
State Department, for giving me the opportunity to interview Hilary
Clinton in 2009; and Professor Wole Soyinka, for being my first ever
interviewee on Moments with Mo! Thank you Prof! It is a journey that
would have been impossible to take without the wonderful support of
these great people. Of course His Excellency Senator Liyel Imoke, the
Executive Governor of Cross River State, for believing in me and
welcoming me and my team to Cross River State on our new journey with
Ebonylife TV. It`s been an incredible journey only made possible by the
One and only.
The major X Factor in my life, the one I call the G factor. The God
factor. I don’t care how cliché it sounds, the Hand of God is upon
EbonyLife TV and Media and Entertainment City Africa, without a shadow
of a doubt, and I give God all glory what we have achieved and will